Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Do You Run?

After almost 2 months of not running at all, I thought it would be a great idea to run a 5K in 90 degree weather.  It didn't go so well.  My sister Sara and I signed up for this race months ago and I fell off the running wagon recently.  Working a lot of overtime, this HEAT, and my being lazy are just a few reasons (excuses) as to why I haven't been running.  We finished the race without passing out but we did walk for a little bit during it. 

(Pre-race picture, there was a baby crying in the background and I warned Sara that I may start to sound like that around mile 2.  I was also already complaining that I was hot, she works in the heat all the time so she didn't have much sympathy for me.)

I had hip surgery in Nov of '09 and my hip and back have always felt better when I keep up with my running.  Since I stopped running lately, my back/hip pain have come back.  I'm hoping that I can work through it again and get back to feeling normal soon.

Which brings me to my question... Why do you run?

I originally started running this year because a friend of mine talked me into signing up for the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon, I paid the money and wanted to see what I could do.  Now I run for multiple reasons.  Other than the obvious reason of staying in shape, as I said before it actually makes me feel better.  Blame it on the endorphins, but after I get into a good running routine my hip and back issues are gone.  I have more energy and it's a great stress reliever for me.  It has been a fun challenge for me, being a new runner, to see how far I can go.  My Nike+ GPS tracks my distance while running and helps me push myself to get in that extra mile.  I was told by my doctors that I shouldn't run, and I think that has been another motivator to stay as active as I can.  Running with a group of friends while training for the GO! was a great way for me to stay connected with my friends, meet new friends and stay motivated by being around other runners.  There were a few times that my obligation to the group was the only thing getting me outside and running in the snow, and at the end I was really glad I did it because we always ended up having fun.  I never thought I would be saying "running" and "fun" in the same sentence. 

Running has surprised me... it's been a great challenge for me and along the way I have surprised myself.  The sense of accomplishment that follows a big race is huge.  It was such a great thing to share with my friends who were (for the most part) new runners as well.  I am excited to get back into it!

What is it that motivates you to get out there and run?